Rusty Knob Prims and Dolls

Rusty Knob Prims

Rusty Knob Prims and Dolls From a Primitive Heart

Pick up your copy of Prims Magazine and see my new creations order your patterns at

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Day of Rest

Sunday day of rest.  I sure need it with more doll orders in the works and new dolls in the Fall issue of Somerset Holidays and Celebrations.
Happy day of rest,
Prim Blessings,

Friday, June 27, 2014

Shelly Prim Partiotic Cloth Doll

Its been a tough year with many ups and downs , however I have been creating prim cloth dolls, Ive  been published in the winter and spring issues of Prims Magazine .  You can also see my new prim Pumpkin in Boots, Prim Rudy Rain Deer and Sammie Snow Man in  Somerset Holidays and Celebrations in the fall. 
                           The 4th of July is almost upon us with summer dayz in the sun.
                                                For sale Prim Patriotic Shelly Doll

Shelly has a hand painted prim face, shoes and stripped legs. She wears a flag skirt with a country red homespun bodice and vintage cloth looms with lace bottoms. Her blond hair is hand spun wool with a bow on top of her knob. In her hands she holds red and blue stars.  20 inch doll sitting at 16 inches 
She is sealed, signed and ready to be shipped.
 Available for only $ 85.00 plus shipping.