Rusty Knob Prims and Dolls

Rusty Knob Prims

Rusty Knob Prims and Dolls From a Primitive Heart

Pick up your copy of Prims Magazine and see my new creations order your patterns at

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Honey I'm Home

Honey I'm home! I had a great time at camp in the mountains with 6-9th graders!  Boy howdy they teach you so much about your self. The food was awesome!  The helpers were energetic and dedicated to the tasks at hand.The speakers were incredible I learned more about God's creation and Israel.  I love camp it's an encouragement and your away from the noise and distractions and business it's NICE! 
Now its back to work on orders and Prims for Fall. Want to place an order contact me at 


೫ My lucky ೫ said...

What a lovely blog!
Si scrive così?
Sono anche diventata una tua fan.
Perchè non passi a trovarmi anche tu?
My lucky.

Rustyknobprims said...

Thanks my lucky... stars?