Rusty Knob Prims and Dolls

Rusty Knob Prims

Rusty Knob Prims and Dolls From a Primitive Heart

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Have you been to a State Fair Doll Judging?

I went to the State Fair Judging for the first time since I have been entering my dolls in 2010.  It was informative and the Judge was very helpful. 
  • I learned that for primitive dolls a finished edge can be a running stitch. 
  • Elegant dolls must have finished edges no running stitch.
  • A doll should have something in her hand animals are the best if appropriate.
  • Pick a color that will make your doll "pop" when choosing your three colors.
It was beneficial for me to find out all that I was doing right.

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